23rd December 2020

Kershaw – Gatlinburg

Ok, I thought we’d better get moving again since we need to be in Phoenix by Sunday. So I got the girls up earlish, we only had a 5 hour drive to get to Gatlinburg so i let them sleep in till 7.

We got to Gatlinburg early enough to head to Ober Gatlinburg the little ski field there. They hadn’t had any snow yet but they had a little man made stuff. The girls wanted to go snow tubing but there wasn’t any reservations available till the 4th January. Well we weren’t waiting around that long. We were able to go on the Alpine coaster though. It was pretty good, nothing like a theme park roller coaster but a good ride.


The Alpine roller-coaster happened to be at a ski resort and while waiting in line i couldn’t help but watch the people coming down the ski slopes and wishing i could be then skiing down the slopes. Watching them was making me itch to wanna go skiing because i miss it so much and unfortunately our skiing plans for early 2021 had been cancelled because of covid. Riding the alpine coaster certainly was an experience though even though i had to keep slowing down because i was behind my mom and of course she isn’t a little speed demon like me haha.


Although we couldn’t snow tube the coaster was a good wake up/thrill after a five hour drive. The view of the mountains was super pretty and made me feel grateful for the world we live in.

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