31st December 2020

Grand Canyon

New Years Eve

Well who would have thought we’d be able to spend New Years Eve at The Grand Canyon. We got the troops together in the morning and headed out to wait in line for the shuttle bus to the end of the orange line. That is east along the south rim. Because of COVID they were only letting 15 people at a time on the buses so we waited for about 45 minutes and we were freezing. Eventually we got on a bus and went to Yaki Point. The view was amazing we stayed and took photos and stood in awe for a bit then waited for a bus to get back to the Visitors Centre. Craig, Maddy, Lidsey and I got off halfway back and walked the rest of the way along the rim trail. Halfway back it started snowing. Walking while it was snowing made it very magical. We had to watch our footing though because the path was a little icy in places.

The problem was because of the snow we lost all the view of The Grand Canyon. We couldn’t see a thing, the clouds had come in. So we spent the afternoon thawing out in our rooms and getting a few souvenirs from the grocery store down the road.

We ended up celebrating New Years at 10pm, that is midnight in Florida. None of us had the energy to stay up till midnight.

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