3rd January 2021

Phoenix – Las Cruces

Saguaro National Park

Today started with an early morning. I drove Maddy and Lidsey to the airport at 6am for their 8am flight. They had a lot of luggage and even after buying them a checked in bag each they still had to pay an extra $135 at the airport for their stuff.

On our way to Las Cruces we stopped at Saguaro National Park in Tucson. Saguaro is pronounced suu-waa-ro. I still have to think about it every time I go to say it. I love these cacti and it was great to see so many in the one place.

There is a 9 mile loop that can be driven with stops and overlooks on the way. There are also trailheads to take hikes further into the cactus forest. We stopped at one of the overlooks and had lunch on the tailgate of the truck.

The girls weren’t keen to go for a hike so we parked at one of the trailheads and Craig and I did a 2 mile hike into some old lime kilns. It got quite hot hiking, a bit of a change to the past week where it was below freezing.

We continued our journey to Las Cruces. The landscape was amazing. Huge flat plains of nothing bordered by large mountain ranges. At one stage we were driving beside a train. I could just imagine a band of outlaws riding their horses beside the train and hopping on to rob it.

Our room in Home2Suite in Las Cruces was quite nice. Not quite as good as the Bluegreen places we had been staying in but good for a hotel room.

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