7th and 8th January 2021

Carlsbad – San Antonio

San Antonio Missions National Historical Park

7th December

Today was quite a large drive, about 8 hours in all so that was basically the day … driving in the car. Eilan Resort and Spa where we were staying in San Antonio was beautiful and I’m glad I had the forethought to book 2 rooms so the girls had their own room.

8th December

The girls weren’t too interested in visiting the 4 missions that make up the National Historical Park so we dropped them off at the mall so they could shop for a couple of hours.

There are 4 missions south of San Antonio that make up the Historical Park.

Mission San Jose

Mission Espada

Mission San Juan

Mission Conception

We met the girls in the city and walked to The Alamo witch is downtown in San Antonio. The Alamo was quite interesting but I think I need to watcha documentary or 2 to really understand all the things that led to the storming of The Alamo. You could still see indentations made in the walls of The Alamo by bullets.

We then took a little walk down The Riverwalk. There weren’t many people and some of the shops weren’t open because of COVID. It was a beautiful space though. Next time we’ll have to explore it a little more.

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