28th December 2020


Today was a day awaited by most of our party. We had booked ATV’s and UTV’s to ride through the desert. We turned up at the ATV place and were handed socks to put on our heads to keep the dust out.

We didn’t realize what dare devil kids we had. By the end of the time they were going up and down steep hills and doing donuts in the dirt without a second thought. We had a few mishaps with people coming off and $180 worth of rollover penalties but a great time was had by all.


ATV-ing in Kershaw was fun, but it was nothing like this. The dirt was disgusting, but that was also the best part. Most the time taking off I was thinking ‘eat my dust’ lol. It helped to slide the ATVs around corners when we were going fast, unlike the damp ground floor at the woods at Kershaw, you couldn’t drift on that. I lead Lidsey most the time around the tracks, but I had no idea where I was going either. My favorite part however, was in the UTV when Lidsey was driving. Despite being scared to death, the vehicle never tipped or toppled no matter how fast we went. I highly recommend. Best day in the desert ever.

Maddy doing donuts


Une expérience très enrichissante. J’ai eu location de conduire dans le desert avec deux types de vehicule, sur des zones très amusantes. C’était une première fois pour moi. Et j’en sors avec plusieurs émotions. Je pense que parmi toutes les activites du voyage celle-ci reste la plus atypique de par les différentes sensations qu’elle peut procurer. Si je devais m’évaluer je serais dans la classe des bons conducteur LOL.

(A very rewarding experience. I had rental to drive in the desert with two types of vehicle, on very fun areas. It was a first time for me. And I come out with several emotions. I think that of all the activities of the trip it remains the most atypical because of the different sensations it can provide. If I had to evaluate myself I would be in the class of good LOL drivers.)

Lidsey driving down a huge hill with no hands … WHAT.


We had an awesome time! JP only fell off twice, I actually drove both the UTV and ATV and lived to tell the tale, and hopefully Brianna doesn’t have a concussion from rolling her ATV. It was so much fun!! We all got a chance to drive both types of vehicles and we all walked away. Afterwards we tried to fulfill one of JP’s dreams and go to In N Out Burger, but the line made Chick Fil A look slow, so we went to Jack In The Box and it was pretty good! Came back to the condo and grilled dinner and played games. It was a really good first full day!


Less than 5 minutes into the ATV ride Geordie tipped her ATV, despite instructions and familiarity with my ATV. The session ended when Bri tipped her ATV. Every other teenager admitted to falling off. Great day, new experiences, getting dirty, and no one got hurt.

Geordie Falling off the ATV
Geordie and Brianna in a UTV

We all needed showers when we got back to the resort. Craig and I went for a walk to a nearby park to take same photos of the awesome cacti.

We finished the day with a grill out at the resort and a huge game of UNO to finish the day.

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