27th December 2020

Albuquerque – Phoenix

What amazing scenery we drove through today. I couldn’t get any good photos from the car though. Next time we come through we’ll have more time to stop.

First stop for the day was at Petroglyph National Historical Monument. We climbed a rocky outcrop and saw numerous ancient petroglyphs chiseled into the basalt rock.


The petroglyph was an interesting experience other then the fact that I rolled my ankle and busted ass. A few hours later there was a big bump on the side of my foot. I could still walk but only on my heel and the next day the swelling went down but it was really bruised.

Another momentous stop was for lunch in Winslow, Arizona of “Take It Easy” by The Eagles fame.

“Well I’m standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona, and such a fine sight to see, its a girl, my lord, in a flatbed Ford slowin’ down to take a look at me.”

WE arrived in Phoenix about 4pm, settled in and waited for the Dewitts to arrive.


So we joined the trip today! Our flight left Tampa a little after noon, and we were at the airport early enough to make Brian happy. Direct flight which was nice but also long. Brian and I sat together and the kids sat together away from us! 🙂

Got into Phoenix around 3:00 local time, and the fun began. We took a shuttle to the rental car center, where we spent the next 2 and a half hours. Half the companies were closed, the line at Budget was 2 hours long. Eventually we left in a pretty nice Toyota 4Runner. We got to the resort — which is beautiful!

We relaxed long enough to have a beer, then went for a really good but incredibly unhealthy dinner at Haymaker Restaurant. Suffice it to say that fritos played a starring role in the menu. Back to the resort to watch the classic Monsters vs. Aliens, then to bed for a relatively early night before the big ATV/UTV day tomorrow!

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