16th June 2021

Day 8 East Coast Coastin’

Independence Hall, Philadelphia

Phew … what a day we had today. We had an early start as we had to get in the line at Independence Hall to get a timed ticket for the tour. Covid has restricted the number of people that can tour per day and the tickets go quickly. We arrived at 8.10am, the tickets are handed out at 8.30am. The line was already right around the corner. Luckily, we managed to snag tickets for 10.15am. While we were waiting we went and saw The Liberty Bell. It was very interesting to read the story of the bell and how something that is actually broken came to symbolize the right to freedom.

Independence Hall, particularly the assembly hall was quite a bit smaller than I thought.  I guess I had in mind that famous painting showing the founding fathers all signing the Declaration of Independence. The room just looked bigger.

It was Geordie choice next, and she chose Philadelphia’s Magic Garden. It took us about 30 minutes to walk there from Independence Hall. It’s a full city block that has recycled articles used to decorate the maze of corridors and staircases. All I could think was that it was a lot of tiling and grouting.

On our walk back to Independence Hall we stopped at a little sushi restaurant and got something to eat. We then parted ways for a bit.  Geordie went to a nearby mall to do some shopping and Craig and I wondered around Independence Park for a bit. By this time my feet were killing me.

We then drove to the Philadelphia Museum of Art made famous by the movie “Rocky”. Craig and Geordie ran up the iconic stairs. I couldn’t because someone had to video them. Unfortunately, the art gallery was closed so the staircase was all we got to see … oh and the Rocky statue. Now it was time to head back to the camper. It had been a huge day.

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