17th December 2020

Fort Mose Historic State Park

We took a stroll through St Augustine this morning. There was a discussion whether to spend the $15 each to enter the Castillo De San Marcos, the fort that protects St Augustine or whether to spend the money at the outlet mall later in the afternoon. You guessed it the outlet mall won over a fort. I didn’t let them off easily though, we still had to walk around the fort.

A stroll through the pedestrian mall with a stop at the oldest wooden schoolhouse in the USA, the Panama Hat shop and The Kookaburra Pie shop and we were back at the car.


on our walk through St Augustine we surprisingly came across an Australian café called “the kookaburra” and stopped there for the lunch. They did have pies there but only breakfast ones with eggs and bacon inside. Unfortunately they where completely out of the traditional meat pies so we settled for the breakfast pies. They where alright in my opinion but not nearly as good as a true Aussie meat pie.

After dropping the girls at the outlet mall I went to Fort Mose Historical State Park. This was the first legally sanctioned free African settlement. Escaped slaves could come here and receive their freedom from the Spanish if they converted to Catholicism. There is nothing left of the fort but there is a great little museum that shows a 15 minute video and has some great displays. There is a boardwalk out to where the fort was but it all just looks like swamp.


After a big day touring the own, shopping and playing tennis, we headed back to town to see the Christmas lights. Driving into town there wasn’t many people, but as we got closer, the streets were filled with families walking everywhere and cute couples having dates among the pretty lights. Each window frame, balcony and edge of building was covered in white Christmas light, along with other Christmas décor. We were all in awe staring out our windows, and Lidsey even mentioned to me that it would be even more magical with snow. Geordie couldn’t get good photos from her view out the window, so she got up and sat on the window of the car and her pics turned out amazing. Out the opposite window to her, you could see all the people’s reactions when seeing Geordie on top of the car. It was hilarious. We had a great night.

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