Wisconsin Dells

Feb 24 – Mar 3 2018
It was nearing the end of the snow season at the Wisconsin Dells when we were there at the end of February. We stayed at Christmas Mountain and the skiing was just fair. The milder weather gave us a chance to explore the area a little.

Montana, U.S.A.

By the time we got to Big Sky in Montana I had been in a “cold” climate for a record period of time. It had been a little over a month. Yes I know for many people that is nothing and my “cold” may not necessarily be cold but for a warm weathered person it sure felt cold. Amazingly enough, I loved it. I’m not sure if I would feel the same after months in the cold but for now I was reveling in it.

My Fascination with Lists

I have always had a fascination with lists. Marking things off when completed brings a high level of satisfaction. So much so that if I have a list of tasks to do and do something that is not on the list I will write it on and mark it off after I have completed it. … Read more

Fort Sumter National Monument

March 12, 2019
It had taken 7 years to get to this point, sitting on the ferry riding across Charleston Harbor to Fort Sumter.  In the past my attempted visits had been foiled by a freak tropical rainstorm, lack of time and lastly a government shutdown.  This time it was going to happen.  I didn’t care if it was just a boring old fort (as my daughter would say), it had been my nemesis since we arrived in the U.S. 7 years earlier.